Miro Bello
2011.09.08. 19:14
Minstsek: 7*ELITE, Champion in DLVP's Pony's Appearance, Best Jumper Pony in DLVP, Legszebb Pni, Best Summer Pony, Nice Pony, Third Jumper Pony, Sweet Pony, Good Horse, Silver' Sportpony in PLK, Carte D' Or Kllemgyztes, Excellent Show Jumping Pony in Switzerland, Legjobb Oktberi Djugrat L, Excellent Pony of PonyIsland, 2nd in Sweet Ponies' Appearance, 4th Placed of Autumn's End Galopp 2010, Good Show Jumping Pony, Better Jumper Horse in BLK, J LA-i Ugrl, Champion Jumping Horse, Champion in II. Domino Jumping Cup, Best Show Jumping Horse, 1st Placed of Snowy Challenge in Sweden, World's Best Mare Jumping Horse, Special Horse with a Rare Colour, 1st Placed in Rare Colours' Appearance, Nice Show Jumping Horse of Other Colour, Good, Good Show Jumping Horse in WNLK, Nagyon J Ugr Pni a Karcsonyi Pninapokon, Super Horse, 1st Placed in Most Extraordinary Coloured Horses, Winner of Christmas Parade, Winner in III. Domino Jumping Cup, Best Domino Light Jumper Horse, 2nd in III. Domino Jumping Cup, 2nd Jumper Horse in DLVP, Winner in Domino Pony's Challange, Best Jumper Pony in DLVP, Nice Show Jumping Horse, Endurance Jumping Horse, Pony Jumping Horse in Amsterdam Jumping, 4th on Show Jumping in Amsterdam, Szpen Szembl Ugr L, GOOD Jumper Horse, GOOD Jumper Horse in CHDV, DLVP CHAMPION, Champion in Hawaii Show Jumping, 1st in Pony in Hawaii, Excellent Pony Show Jumping Horse in DVP, Better Horse in Show Jumping, 2nd Placed of Competition for Wirthy Delma, Rose Earth Champion, Beautiful Jumper Horse, 1st of The Big Show Jumping Appearance, Beautiful Horse in Jumper Horses, 2nd Placed of 2nd Stage in Vuelta 2011, Fast Horse in Show Jumping, 3rd Placed of TimeTrial Jumping 2011, 4th placed in Show Jumping at Night
L trzsknyvi neve: Miro Bello
L beceneve: Mira, Bella
L falytja: Sportpni
L neme: Kanca
L szletsi ve: 2004
Miro Bello |
Fausto |
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Mirabella |
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L trzsknyvi szma: SportMare-MINERA-17787
L utdai:
Trzsknyv: van
Tenyszengedly: van
Rajtengedly: van
tlevl: van
Belovagolva: van
Szakga: Dugrats
sszes eredmny: 34 db
1. hely: Pony's Appearance, djugrk kat.
1. hely: Summer Pony Appearance, tztt kat.
1. hely: I. szi Kllem, egyb kat.
1. hely: Oktberi Djugrats, pni kat.
1. hely: II. Domino Jumping Cup, Domino Light kat.
1. hely: Snowy Challenge in Sweden, djugrats + gyessgi, 4-6 vesek kat.
1. hely: World's Best Jumping Horse
1. hely: Rare Colours' Appearance, egyb ritka szn lovak kat.
1. hely: Christmas Parade, legklnlegesebb szn kat.
1. hely: III. Domino Jumping Cup, domino light kat.
1. hely: Domino Pony's Challenge, djugrats, kezd kat.
1. hely: Hawaii Show Jumping, pni kat.
1. hely: The Big Show Jumping Appearanche, Legszebb Ugrl kat. (2011)
1. hely: The Big Show Jumping Appearanche, Legszebben Ugr l kat. (2011)
2. hely: Nyri Fajtakategris Kllemverseny, pni kat.
2. hely: Ponies in Switzerland, djugrats kat.
2. hely: Sweet Ponies' Appearance, 6-7 vesek, 2. csoport
2. hely: Competition for Ponies, djugrats kat.
2. hely: Show Jumping in LA, 100cm kat.
2. hely: November & December Show Jumping and Free Jumping, pni kat.
2. hely: Karcsonyi Pninapok, djugrats kat.
2. hely: III. Domino Jumping Cup, domino light kat., sszevets
2. hely: Jumper Horse Appearance, szembl kat.
2. hely: II. Birthday Competition, pni versenyek, djugrats kat.
2. hely: Pony's Big Cup, djugrats kat.
2. hely: Competition for Wirthy Delma, djugrats csak pniknak kat.
2. hely: 2nd Stage in Vuelta 2011, Sevilla * Ugrlovak kat. (2011)
3. hely: Pony's Days, djugrats kat.
3. hely: Show Jumping in Colours, egyb szn kat.
3. hely: Time Trial Jumping 2011, Werdenberg Castle Trophy kat. (2011)
4. hely: Sweet Pony's Competition
4. hely: Autumn's End Gallop 2010, pnik, 800m
4. hely: Show Jumping in Amsterdam, pni kat.
4. hely: Show Jumping At Night, profi kat. (2011)
2. krben kiesett: Endurance Jumping Cup, kezd kat.
Pnznyeremny: 1.480.000 Ft
Galria: Tovbb>>